Message from Community Constable Lorraine Borrell.

Just wanted to update and reassure you about the recent police work that’s been happening behind the scenes.

Yesterday police recovered property and arrested a 32-year-old male for breaking into vehicles in Pokeno.  He will be appearing before the Court and further investigations continue for the offence.  

Police have also been working hard to hold shoplifters at Pokeno Countdown to account. Yesterday a 25-year-old male appeared before the court charged with eleven separate thefts from Countdown. He has been remanded on bail and will be appearing again later in the month. Two further offenders will be appearing in Court later this month on charges of Theft and Trespass.  We are also working on locating three other offenders we have identified for separate offences within the store.  We want to set an example that it is not okay to offend in our Community and it will not be tolerated. It is paramount that the community of Pokeno feel safe.

Police also would like to hear from anybody that has information relating to dirt bikes/unregistered, unwarranted off-road bikes riding on our local roads and addresses which they come from so that we can deal with them accordingly. Often when we are called by the time we arrive the dirt bike riders have already got back to their address. I understand this is frustrating for the community not to mention a major safety issue. Anyone who has information relating to this or any crime can contact 105 or anonymously Crimestoppers at 0800 555 111.  Otherwise please feel free to contact me.

On a crime prevention note:  If you’re thinking about installing cameras at your address now is the time.  Cameras provide major assistance as an investigative tool, as well as preventing offenders from offending in the first place. Don’t forget your cameras can be registered on    Keep your vehicle locked up and valuables removed or if impractical at least out of sight.  Engrave tools with something identifiable such as your driver’s licence number that Police can use to track you down should we come into contact with them after they have been stolen.  I cannot reiterate this enough and the reason being, that our first mentioned offender was only tracked down because the victim had his driver’s licence number engraved on his tools.  Also, of note this offender told Police that he only target’s property that is unlocked and an easy for him, so secure your property properly. It’s an absolute no brainer as far as crime prevention goes.

That’s all from me for now.  Keep safe out there.
